I'd had this in mind when originally projecting how I was going to end The Dumpee Diaries but of course, true to the way things in my life work, I got my pictures back longer than I wanted.
Here are photos of my gradtation day and the end of my senior year, friends and family alike.
Want to know what made me smile? Alex isn't in a single one and the fact that I'm genuinely happy in each one of them is the best feeling in the world. (:
Peace to all. ♥
But before I go...
Posted by Jen. at 6/09/2010 03:46:00 PM 0 comments
"When your hats are in the air, nobody's gonna care."
Posted by Jen. at 6/06/2010 09:33:00 PM 0 comments
Closing Credits
I kept true to my word. In four years, I made a name for myself, remained true to everything I ever believed in and didn't let high school eat me alive.
As I took one last lap, I saw the corner where I wrote my preliminary attempts at blogging my Freshman year. I remember making some after school phone calls behind the gym with a "forbidden telecommunication device" when I got my cell phone sophomore year. And I remember the days I spent with Alex Junior year at the picnic tables or when he walked me to my classes, along with my numerous games of scrabble that kept me preoccupied after the split. And of course, senior year where I blogged about it all and came to figure out that life works in mysterious ways. It's over. Thank God. Now? Graduation is next (:
Posted by Jen. at 6/02/2010 09:17:00 PM 0 comments
Packing Up
Posted by Jen. at 5/30/2010 07:30:00 PM 0 comments
Funny Girl
Cap and gown? Check.
Class ring? Check.
Invitations? Check.
Decorations for grad party? Check.
Evil Teacher who wanted to fail me but didn't? Covered.
Memory book? Got it.
Yearbook? You betcha.
Person who gets me? You're stuck there.
It's my last few days before graduation and before I throw high school away and get ready to move, I have everything ready to go... minus that. Cheers to moving on. lol
These are the few days before i let my blog go.
I've decided to officially end my blog and stop writing on June 6th, the day after my graduation party and the last day anything significant happens before I start college. Get ready world. I've got a new story brewing, a book coming, and a new blog in the works.
Now where did I leave my Glee soundtrack?
Posted by Jen. at 5/27/2010 01:02:00 PM 0 comments
Last night was my senior prom. I didn't go, choosing to stay home and think every so often to how my friends could be possibly having a good time. I'm okay with the decision, given that everything just worked out that way. Lately I've been faced with some personal issues, like someone harrasing me on my formspring account and filling out graduation invitations. I'm losing touch with reality to a certain extent. Like for some reason, I half expected a fairy godmother to show up and send me to the ball where I would meet my prince charming and fall in love.
Like that ever happens in real life. Either way, I'm a week and a half away from my personal escape. No more Alex in my closet, no more personal ghosts, just the blissful unknown and freedom.
Just please don't turn my carriage into a pumpkin.
Posted by Jen. at 5/23/2010 08:09:00 PM 0 comments
Warwick Avenue
I'm almost done with senior year. I find it funny how this past weekend, I managed to cross off a big part of my list of things to do before graduation. I went to Regionals for Journalism and went out with a bang at this year's Senior talent Show. With the closing sense of nostalgia, I feel more powerful than ever.
This was my second year attending academic regionals and I had a blast. I went and competed in journalism which was quite a change, given the usual stuffiness of public speaking I usually compete in. I was surrounded by journalism maniacs, just like me and for the first time in a long time felt like I belonged. My teammates and I had fun walking the college campus where the meet was held and shared some incredible laughs. Then we went to this restaurant where it had indoor games and somehow I found myself comfortable. Okay, so I may have lost horribly playing mini-golf (I think I was 30 over par) but I did redeem myself at go-karts! However, it did slip my mind that this Saturday in particular was Alex's birthday. Hah. Talk about loss of thought.
The Sunday afterwards was one night I've been looking forward to for years: my senior talent show. After cringing in horror with the reality that one of my biggest performances was that day, I decided not to be rude and text Alex, to ask how his birthday went. We've been getting along fairly well so it seems to be like a harmless enough question to ask. What I got? His rude, aloof, mildly impolite self. He referred to my question as stupid and redundant.
What I did? I ignored it and went on with my day. Like I reeally needed more stress.But (and there's always a BUT) things only got worse though as my day progressed. I left the house without my class ring, something I haven't taken off since I got it in January. By the time I realized that it was in it's ring box back home, it was too late to go back.
At sound check, my microphone wouldn't work with the amp. I'd also forgotten one of my outfits for the first song I planned to sing, despite steaming it and hanging it on my bed to take with me. The sound crew's music person was AWOL, meaning there was a strong possibility that my instrumental track was missing too. The iPod cord to connect to the sound system was faulty so there went my backup plan. The sound crew couldn't get the wireless microphone to work for my second song so there was a possibility that my entire participation in the senior talent show was ruined.
OF COURSE, I spoke too soon. After attempting dress rehearsal without music, without a microphone and without anything good happening, I changed out of my second dress. I'd searched like crazy for the perfect outfit for my second song and was pretty attached to the dress I found. Just as I was unzipping the back of my dress when my zipper got stuck. I turned over to see what happened and literally my zipper burst completely. I wanted to cry...
With only half an hour until opening curtain, I called my mom. She was already at the show and NOT going to just take me home to get another outfit. With that information at hand, I didn't bother to tell her my dress was now revealing most of my back. So now what?
I called the one person I knew would help me out that wasn't already in the audience: my old friend Val. She picked me up within 5 minutes. We made a mad dash to my house (including her hilarious as hell road rage comments). I got the extra dress I needed, some cash, a backup dress in case and a jacket. Funny enough, I STILL forgot my class ring. We stopped at every gas station and dollar store in between my house trying to find some place with safety pins. Lo and behold, we got them and using Val's spare change from her car (which I'm sure she was thrilled to get rid of)
I made it with ten minutes until opening curtain. My performance was a success. I managed to pull off the 2 wardrobe changes, the music guy came with all the music, the tech crew got ONE cordless mike to work and I managed to pull off my biggest worry. Here are the two songs I did for the talent show. The dress that was pinned together was the yellow/black/white ensemble for "Don't Rain On My Parade".
After everything that day, I was riding on a wave of confidence. Very much in the deja vu that tends to happen to me, it reminded me of one of the last things Alex attended. He showed up to last year's Junior talent show but then immediately left. We broke up a few days later. While I knew nobody aside from my parents was in the audience was waiting for me, it didn't depress me like last year. It was good to have my own moment to think for myself. I've had enough of this crap.
I haven't called Alex since that day and I'm not looking back, but on my way home, I did sing "Warwick Avenue" by Duffy. I'm not going to post the lyrics. You can do that yourself but I can say that the talent show was my wake up-call to not come back to this never ending cycle I've been in for a year. If you listen to the song, I think you'll get the story.
Posted by Jen. at 5/02/2010 02:22:00 PM 0 comments
You're my personal form of Gravity
Today, I changed my Facebook status from single to it's complicated. I'm not seeing anyone nor am I fooling around with anyone. It's just that... well, it's complicated.
What would you say if everything you thought you knew was wrong? And what would you say if just one detail changed everything about your life?
I found out something that just made me think of alot of things at the moment.
Like I said... it's complicated.
Let's just say that I find it odd that the very same person who let me go into freefall by letting me go has also kept my feet on the ground and weighed me down to reality, only to have his agony make me stronger. He's my gravity and I just don't know waht to think about that. Especially with what I know know and what I can't share with the world. It's not something he did. It's just that after all this time and after the closure I found, it's like gravity. You can't go on without it and you don't think about it but when you do, you realize how every step you take from that moment on and everytime you fall and pick yourself right back up is because of that one little factor. And I hate it that he's it.
Yup. My gravity. I don't have to like it, but it's there. It gives him too much importance.
Posted by Jen. at 4/23/2010 10:22:00 PM 1 comments
Look at the stars... look how they shine for you...
One of the strangest nights happened to me last night. I went to the movies with an old visionary of my past., just shooting the breeze. We went to the mall kind of late to catch one of the last movies of the night. It was quiet and somewhat relaxing to go to to the mall. It was quiet and somewhat unsettling to go so late. No one was around so we walked the mall together, talking and eventually we went in and watched the movie. We talked and laughed and still I find it odd that we both could relate entirely to the characters. It was quiet and subtle and exactly the right moment to be each other. In a mall with no one around on a quiet Saturday night, accompanied by someone who changed my life, I was finally unafraid to be vulnerable.
I got home and we spent the entire night on the phone... until my battery died. The conversation's contents will never be spoken of again but I can tell you that when my phone finally died, I couldn't sleep. It's strange how when you think life is beginning to settle down, there's a curveball thrown at you. I've contemplated this though before but never like this.
Posted by Jen. at 4/11/2010 08:08:00 AM 0 comments
Don't Feel Afraid
Posted by Jen. at 4/01/2010 11:05:00 PM 1 comments
Day 365
Happy Anniversary, love.
It's been one whole year since the day he walked out that door.
Today is day 365. A new day that has yet to begin, and an old year added to my memory.
Posted by Jen. at 3/23/2010 01:00:00 AM 0 comments
Today, I logged into yahoo and saw this great story of a guy who asked a girl to Prom on National TV. This got me thinking about Prom.
It's funny because all my friends are getting ready. One bought a prom dress, the other is trying to figure out how to match her dress to her fiancee's Marine uniform... and of course, I sit by and watch. I decided not to go to Prom this year. I went last year and I had a blast
Posted by Jen. at 3/22/2010 08:59:00 PM 0 comments
Spring Break
Spring Break is over (Thank goodness!)
I think I just about drove myself insane. I can't stand not doing anything because it makes me overanalyze and think too much. I get myself into too many troubles.
Like tomorrow, I'm going to be able to jump back into work (Ah, how I love my job. ^^) And go to band practice. (Eh, not fun. Varsity band has sucked the fun out of everything) And then, the rest of my life.
This week, I've got challenges that I hadn't really thought of until right now.
Today is March 21st.
In 3 days time, I will be marking the one year anniversary of my split with Alex, marking 365 days of ups downs, lots of music, lots of phone calls and this crazy thing I call life.
On the 26, I will be celebrating the one year anniversary of this very blog that helped me figure myself out and get thigns straight as I documented it all.
On the 26th, I'll also be heading to Laredo for District UIL, hopefully to advance to Regionals again like I did last year.
One question: How did I end up planning this big opportunity to go out with my teammates and enjoy a night with them... and invite Alex along as a part of our complicated, red-tape attatched friendship... and not realize the day until several days later?
I'll have to explain that later (mostly because I still don't get it)
Posted by Jen. at 3/21/2010 08:16:00 PM 0 comments
"... come on in. I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in."
Today, I had this very lengthy conversation with a friend of mine.
He's gay and currently happy with the love of his life.
My friend is also an ex-boyfriend of mine.
Today I found myself in another one of my brooding moods where I was mad at the world and just upset for an inexplicable reason. I found myself struggling a certain concept and I explained it to him.
I have all the potential in the world. I have these dreams, these ambitions and this potential to do so much. I've come a long way from what originally started in humble beginnings. Potential. Possibility. That's all that rings when I think about the Fall and the rest of my life. Yet, I find myself wanting something that I never really thought I would want because I never had it. The Dumpee Diaries, my story of trying to figure out life after being left by someone who was looking for something else didn't just start with Alex. The truth is that I basically grew up with that because of a man who left very early in life.
My parents divorced when I was very young. From what I can remember, at the ages of 4 and 5 they were already divorced. My mom raised me basically by herself. My dad, disappeared and never bothered to come back. I was raised by a woman who took the situation, a strong woman and not a single father figure. Since then, it's safe to say that every influential male in my life has left me. My dad, disappeared into parental oblivion, not even bothering with child support or even a letter. All my life, I've kicked myself, thinking that maybe he knew a sinking ship when he saw it and it's my fault he doesn't bother attempting to be a father. I grew up. I started earning titles, becoming my mother's pride and joy and being the child anyone would want. Still, no matter what trophy I earned or stellar report card I brought home, not one phone call or letter came for me.
I've struggled with this my entire life, knowing if my own father wouldn't stick around and see his first born grow up and become the adult her mother helped her be... then who's to say that any boyfriend or father figure would. Alex was the closest thing I ever had to someone who might have taken care of me and made me feel safe. I know it's stupid to look for it but I feel like I'm missing something and it scares me that I'm going to go my entire life with that void of acomplishing so much but still not being good enough to be taken care of. I know I'm foolish, stupid beyond belief to pin all this on a man I haven't even met and that I've got to make my own luck and overcome my obstacles and that it's stupid to pin this on Alex. I just...
My nights are hell because I know that no matter where I am, I know my own father isn't thinking of me and I know that more than likely someone else isn't either.
I told my friend this, and while he knew about my dad not being around, he didn't know what to say either. He struggled with it. He told me sometimes you just have to be open to happiness. I'm open to what life has to bring me. By day the concept works. By night, it's the mirror opposites that keep me up at night wondering what I did to feel so... empty.
Truth is, I envy him. He has two parents. He had siblings and now he has the love of his life. While he can't be completely honest with himself because of his parents and the sometimes unfair prejudice that comes with homosexuality, he has more than I will ever have. I have potential. He has love from all sides. I don't blame my mom in any of this and I love her for all her strength and deep comittment to having me for a kid but... sometimes a girl needs her dad. Sometimes it's hard to lie to yourself and say you're complete when you don't know about half of where you came from. Sometimes, it just makes for one hell of a long night when you're awake, staring at the ceiling and praying to God that someone sends you a text or calls just to say they were thinking of you and wanted to make sure you're okay.
I'm still secretly praying for that phone call from my dad someday. As a matter of fact, my dad went looking for my mom a few weeks ago at our old house where my aunt lives. He wanted to settle the child support issue. He didn't ask to speak to me once. He handled the affair with legal jargon, lawyers and numbers. He left his number with my aunt to give to my mom. When she asked me to put the paperwork away in her purse, I put his number in my cell phone address book in the event that he ever calls, I'll know it's him. I'm still waiting.
What's sad is that I know I'll be waiting for that call for the rest of my life, just like I know that I'll be up many more nights hoping someone sends me a text that they're thinking of me and they'll take care of me like no one else ever did. At least I can live and hold a smile during the day, not having to face the long nights ahead.
Posted by Jen. at 3/21/2010 06:31:00 PM 0 comments
The mantra lives on...
To what do I owe everything twisted in my life?
If I only had a nickle for every time I have said this...
Just when you think life might get back to normal, something crazy happens that throws everything you've ever thought out the window.
In this case, something so unusual happpened, I thought it was a glitch.
Alex texted me.
It's been a good while since he and I have had a good conversation where neither of us was throwing expletives at each other, and he NEVER texts me if he can avoid it. I'm on Spring Break and I've been busy with work and friends and life that I haven't seen a need to text him or even talk to him. Sure enough to my surprise he texted me and *gasp* it turns out the twist wasn't in my life but his.
His girlfriend has some bad habits... something that shocked him (and out of a certain respect, I'm not going to post what the issue is because I know some people in our circle read this) Yet, he came to me to actually ask advice as a civilized human being. And I gave him my advice, he can take it as he will and I wish him the best, honestly.
Then maybe ten minutes later he went back to attempting jabs at me which doesn't surprise me. I'm just shocked that he's acting so civilized and for a long period of time (long by his standards) he was human towards me. Who knows what else is coming but my statement still stands.
"Just when you think life's about to get back to normal, something crazy happens."You can quote me on that one.
I just got another text so... we'll see where this goes and if he can (not to be rude or anything) actually grow up.
Posted by Jen. at 3/18/2010 09:16:00 PM 0 comments
I'm Not alone in standing strong and feeling weak
Good morning world,
I woke up after another night of staying up so late and thinking and feeling lonely.
I know it's not good for me, but I'm still stuck in the polar parallels of happy by day, lonely by night.
I'm approaching the one year anniversary of the split and the one year anniversay of this blog and I'm STILL going through these mini depressions at night. For months now, I stay up most of the night, thinking and feeling lonely. The silence bothers me but just the darkness of night is what makes me feel so alone. It's the thought that at night no one is willing to be at my side, willing to answer a phone call or check up on me at night just to make sure that I'm at peace. Everyone is asleep in their own world, in the darkness of night and the possibilities of the tomorrow. It is at night when everything is revealed and the truth is out in the open. While in the daytime, there is light, there are also shadows that people can hide behind. At night, there are no shadows. At night, I'm vulnerable, bidding my time until the sun comes out.
But even so, I'm happy that it's only at night. I'm sure I'll shake it off eventually, like when I get to college. By day though, I'm just so happy to be surrounded by many people, many opportunities and so much potential. During the day, I don't feel alone.
I know I'm not alone.
You know, there's this blog I read called Life through rose-colured Ray Bans and while she posts happy, beautiful and inspiring posts, there's a sense of human vulnerability that I can relate to so well. I know I'm not the only one who can be happy and vulnerable at the same time and that alone is a thought that makes me feel so... comforted.
I think everyone doesn't want to be alone, they just look for different facets of life to answer this univeral need.
Posted by Jen. at 3/18/2010 11:36:00 AM 0 comments
We Didn't Start the Fire
At any cost, it was an interesting day and I really discovered that yes, it is possible to almost die as the result of a hot pocket and laugh about it later... and do this all while single. I don't see why people complain about work so much because I'm loving it!
Posted by Jen. at 3/17/2010 04:22:00 PM 0 comments
I wonder if the things that remind me of you remind you of me
They mispelled "birthday on my cake and I didn't even realize it until the day after my party when I was uploading all of the pics.
Fun stuff! lol. And what makes it worse is that my the cake decorator actually asked my mom to write on a piece of paper what she wanted to be put on the cake and then the decorator asked their supervisor to write it on the cake. At any cost, this just makes everything that much more enjoyable.
Still, even then, with yet another year of life comes the ever present thoughts of my past. I realized that Alex didn't call or even text me about my birthday. It's not like I was expecting anything but it only shows how hard some things are to let go. Alex's dad was nice enough to send me not one but two birthday messages over Facebook. One was the day before (in case he missed it) and the other was on the actual day of my birthday. It was really nice of him to do that and I honestly appreciate the efforts he made that his son chose not to. Facebook was kind enough to bring him Alex up when I saw one of my friends became a fan of the page titled " I wonder if the things that remind me of you remind you of me." This blog wouldn't really be about my life after him anymore if little things like this didn't pop up and make me think about my life as it is now compared to what it was then.
It's moments where I see the parallels of this girl who was me
and this person of now
I wonder if he ever thinks about how life can become so different in a year or if he just stays stagnant in his own ways. I wonder if the things that remind me of you remind you of me.
Posted by Jen. at 3/16/2010 03:08:00 PM 0 comments
Eighteen Candles... and two more big ones.
This week, I'll be celebrating my eighteenth birthday.
Eighteen. I can't believe it has been eighteen years, but in my perspective, a year since everything that ensued after.
This time this year, I was moody and fussy because I was turning seventeen, a whole 3 years older than Alex for a couple of weeks. I felt so old and like such a cougar. But things went their course. March is significant because on the 23rd of this month, I will happily celebrate one entire year of what has turned out to me one of the most significant years of my life. One year ago, Alex and I broke up. It was the best decision he ever made. On the 26th, I will celebrate a year of blogging with the Dumpee Diaries.
My eighteenth birthday and so much more this month... I don't know what to think. I just know that I'm going to have a hard time thinking of what to wish for when I blow out the candles this Friday. Everything is looking up and I can't believe my luck is changing.
Posted by Jen. at 3/09/2010 06:57:00 PM 0 comments
Stranger than Fiction but sweeter. [Updated 2/27/10]
First of all, I hope everyone who read this had a decent Valentine's Day. Personally, mine came with a fair bit of red tape. Add in the complicated twists and my life's oddities are beginning to resemble a horrible Mexican Soap Opera. A week before Valentine's Day, I realized two of my exes (Sam, the yo-yo of commitment and the ex who asked my out under the influence of alcohol) are bffs. Wait! There's more. They discovered they both dated me and are bonding over it. There's one more twist in that. Sam wants me back. All this right before Valentine's Day!
Obviously, I shut the door on Sam before he could even step on my doormat. Good thing too. (this just keeps getting better)
I found out that shortly after I turned him down he was engaged!
Then, Valentine's Day weekend rolled around and despite my best attempts, I was available for the weekend. Thus, Nate jumped on the opportunity. I tried to scare him off like I scare everyone off by telling him to talk with my parents.
He did, and sure enough, the Friday before Valentine's Day he surprised me with this massive flower arrangement. It was bigger than what my dad got my mom. X< What shocked me though was he tracked down my favorite flower (a certain type of lily) down to the point where he called in 4 different cities in the area to track it down. He then proceeded to buy me this adorable bear (that also happened to be at least 4 times bigger than what Alex got me last year) and he took me out to dinner... and then bowling... all this without me having to pay any part of the bill for the first time in my life. It was great and he's a nice guy but something happened that day that made me really put to the breaks on any type of relationship.
As you know, I was accepted to Texas State. While I was pretty happy with it, I wanted to wait towards the end of the month to see if I was accepted anywhere and if I didn't hear from them, I would just go on my merry way to Texas State. Since then, I have been accepted to:
-University of Miami
-Loyola University
-Texas A&M International University
-Baylor University
And the very Friday that Nate took me on a date, I received my acceptance letter from the University of Missouri, my dream school where I will be studying at the best Journalism School in the US.
Having been accepted to that school, I realized that there is no way I can get attached right now to anyone. Don't get me wrong. I tried very hard to convince myself to fall for Nate. He is a great guy and I feel like he deserves someone who can be with him without any complications. I feel like such an idiot but I know I'm making the right decision in not dating.
Apparently though, life just can't get anymore twisted.
Very recently, I reconnected with a friend of mine who I've known for years. Only to my surprise, she and my Russian pen pal, another good friend of mine are suddenly friends. This comes to a total shock to me. Two people from very different parallels of my past come together, and all without me even getting involved. While I think it's great that two of the most inteligent and interesting people of my life are now friends, it did kind of phase me a bit. They talk to each other more than they talk to me! Haha.
Like I said, my life is getting stranger than fiction but it's things like friendship and these new adventures that keep me going. When you put all the broken and random pieces together, it makes something very interesting. I can't wait for some new adventures. Right now, that's the only thing keeping me hanging on. I'll be leaving soon and while it's scary to leave the small town in Texas, leave my family behind and leave everything I have ever known, it's an experience that I'd be foolish to give up on. I just have to find the strength within myself to make it happen.
Posted by Jen. at 2/17/2010 08:02:00 PM 0 comments
"Do not go gentle into that good night."
It's official. There are only two weeks until Valentine's Day. This means the conspiracy is fast approaching. Too late... it already has. Every year, right around this time, everyone likes to pour salt into an open wound and ask why you're single or mention that they have this great cousin/friend/co-worker that they could set you up with and what a great idea it would be to have us go on a date! Phooey. I am going to say this again. I am perfectly fine with being single this year. As a matter of fact, I'm looking foward to it. My cards have played out in my favor. The dreaded day is on a Sunday. My school isn't going to be accepting Valentine's Day deliveries because it's on a Sunday. I'll be busy that weekend. I refuse to celebrate a holiday that's full of false expectations, fake cheesy gifts and serves as the exploitation to all single people.
Even last year, the one time I celebrated Valentine's Day with someone, it was a bust. Alex promised me the world and a half last year. In the end of it all, I think I got him more than he got me. Not that the stuff matters because it shouldn't and doesn't matter to me but my biggest complaint was that I tried harder than he did. I managed to pull off Valentine's Day with a surprise morning serenade, a Build-A-Bear balloon bouquet with his favorite candies, a few school sponsored candy grams and a handmade scrapbook. He took me to dinner and the movies, mostly because one of my good guy friends suggested it the day before.
I guess I should have seen it coming by then but I didn't. Thankfully I'm spared the running up and down trying to figure out what to do this year. I can stay home in my pajamas and not have to wear makeup or go out and face the couples who are so full of it.
No offense to anyone who's dating or likes Valentine's Day. I've just always posessed a heavy vendetta against it. If it's not what happened last year, it's the standard average of three fake secret admirers I recieve or the lack of... romance on the day. One year I even sent myself flowers because I felt it was unfair that only girls with boyfriends get sent stuff on Valentine's Day. Everything else I get that day is tricksters trying to make me think that someone likes me. Thank goodness I won't have to deal with that this year.
It's almost like Carrie and Miranda would say.
Carrie- There's a whole lotta love in this place.
Miranda- Is it just me or is Valentine's Day this year on steroids?
Carrie- No, I think it was this bad this year. We were just playing on the other team.
Oh, what would Carrie Bradsaw say? Rather than humor myself and think about it, I'll just write, just like she would do in my situation. I've already started writing a little bit of my book. It's not all that great but the hardest part of writing anything is always the introduction.
I don't intend on letting anything stop me. I'm not going to go down without a fight, not with Valentine's Day or anything. Not now. My days of silent are over. Here's to writing that book!
When do I get to pop Valentine's Day Balloons? :D
Posted by Jen. at 1/31/2010 12:27:00 AM 0 comments
I've got a bit of news to share. Usually, when I say this it either involves my latest situation with Alex or some type of revelation that's usually a "Duh!" moment for everyone reading this. Well, this new tidbit is a bit different. Nonetheless, it's an important piece of news and it concerns this blog and my future.
I've been blogging for almost a year, and in two months, I will be marking the year since Alex and I split. In this time I've managed to nurse a broken heart, find a few losers along the way, realize my friends are some of the greatest people on earth, and all this without miraculously not losing my sanity in the task of documenting life after a breakup. I've inspired a few people, done some incredible (and incredibly stupid) things. And alas, I will continue to blog, mostly because I've gotten attached to writing again (and plus I feel that though it was a bad breakup, it won't be my last and I still have many more things that could happen.
Although I feel this, I have decided, while still blogging, I will tackle a new project. If you've been following me on Twitter, then you've heard the news but let me break it down.
Through much consideration and support from my circle of close friends (and some serious questioning of my sanity) I've decided to turn the Dumpee Diaries (its story, my entries, and my life surrounding this blog) into a book. I'm in the preliminary processes of drafting and writing, trying to figure out where to begin my story but it's a project that I think I can work with.
Believe me, I had to really think about this. Depending on how long I take to write this book, I'll be spending as little as a year or two reliving the details of my breakup and remembering my ex. Alex. I also had to be the decision (based on my seriousness on the project) to have to call Alex and ask him permission. As you know, Alex is just an alias I use since I change everyone's names except my own to avoid slander and libel. By now, I'm sure he's aware of this blog so he knew what was going on but what stunned me was not only was he okay with the book but he even game me express rights to using his actual name in the book! Andrew's going to be pissed, I know it...
In the end this is all certainly ironic. The biggest flop of my life so far has provided material for the book I've been longing to write all my life and if this works and I get it published, he will have defined my career. Alex: Don't take this arrogantly. I just mean that something negative turned into something positive. For me.
Now that you know, I hope that you can understand my situation. I'm not leaving my blog. I'm expanding it. Which brings me to something else. I've decided to purchase my domain name. Right now I'm just looking for a web designer to construct my page for me.
It's all for news beginnings but it all started here. I guess I got the better end of the deal after all.
Posted by Jen. at 1/27/2010 09:44:00 PM 0 comments
Dance Floor Anthem
Well, we lost at the state competition but I'm trying not to dwell on that considering that I was the one who took it the hardest, mostly out of being a perfectionist and hating the result of it.
Anyways, I am in the bit of a rut, involving something I've been trying to avoid.
I'll admit it, since the split, I've been completely and purposefully neglecting to get involved in the dating scene. Thus, everyone's been trying to set my up, serving as matchmaker. To top it off, wether I like it or not, I now have to face the issue of a relationship. My friend Nate asked me out yesterday after I got home from the competition. For weeks, he's trying to win me over and prove that I'll be happy. He's been taking me out, texting me, and trying to get me to go out on a legit date. [Thankfully] I'm booked on performances, academic meets and band functions until early March (giving me plans even on Valentine's weekend.) However, everyone I know is at an off-balance about the situation. My best friend ( the constantly afformentioned guy of my life) is against it. (&& he's not into girls if you think that's what his motive is) I'm against me dating and so are my two other close friends. Everyone else though has been stubborn about the situation. Everyone (down to my mother) has been saying that I'm stupid for not wanting to date. Supposedly he's different. Supposedly not all guys are the same. At any cost, I'm not going to jump into a relationship. I haven't even given myself a year, and it's not Nate's fault. Nate's a great guy. He wants to take care of me and he wants to be a good guy but I just don't see myself dating. I have a career going, I'm getting my life back together and not to mention I'm the busiest person at the moment. I've got alot going right now and I don't need to be dating!
Posted by Jen. at 1/24/2010 10:16:00 AM 0 comments
Something to fall back on.
Yesterday, out of some random twist, I ended up having a somewhat lengthy conversation with one of my exes.
For some random reason, what started out as a conversation about project runway turned into a discussion about life mottoes, our philosophies, and our thoughts of life in general.
He says, "you always need to have something to fall back on. A support system of some sort."
I told him I've always been rather self relient, mostly out of duty to everyone else. I work hard to make things flawless, I help other people to make their lives easier, yet who do I turn to. Not to mention, anyone can turn on you in an instant. I mean, I know it sounds like a paranoia way of thinking but I know there would be tons of people who would use my life, my inner secrets, my entire way of thinking to hurt me and bring me to my most weak and hurt position. I can't trust anyone. I mean, even Alex. He knows so many things about me, he could break me in an instant. Yet, he hasn't and out of some weird sense of feeling I know he won't. I wouldn't do that to him. What kind of people would that make us by breaking each other with our secrets? At any cost, we know too much about each other.
The point of why I bring this up (in case you're wondering)? This conversation left me thinking the whole night about my family, mainly my long lost dad (the first man who can say he dumped me).
I guess I just started wondering, who do I have to fall back on? Who can I count on and am I so wrong for wanting to be self sufficient out fear of getting hurt?
Posted by Jen. at 1/21/2010 12:41:00 PM 0 comments
Your legacy will follow
Last night I began the search for a prom dress. I've got prom May 8 and May 22, attending both my bash and my best friend's bash. (For the record, I'm referring to my best friend of fifteen years... a guy. haha)
After years of lining up my Barbie dolls and buying prom magazines, it all narrows down to my Senior year.
While I adore my best friend to death, it would be nice if I weren't planning the minute details of his prom, considering its HIS bash and I'm the date. lol
It's okay though. Really, we both knew we would wind up as each other's date, mostly because his mom adores me to death and trusts no one else and because more than likely, I'm not going to get asked. Don't think I'm being a cynic. I'm being realistic. To be fair to guys, I'll admit that my interests and my personality are different and rather abstract compared to the other girls around the watering hole. (Yes, I used the term "watering hole". my town is small; live with it.)
Anyways, I've also got a new job at school. I am now my high school band's student aid. (It was either do that third period or take cooking class) As if I don't see the band directors enough! haha.
Maybe now, I can look towards getting a serious job, possibly blogging professionally or doing something that out of some miracle works well with my schedule.
Hell, who am I kidding? Here I am talking about prom and getting a job and thinking about the next few months that I can't even focus at the task at hand. In the words my director (damn, I have been hanging around the band hall too much) "handle one performance at a time. Sing your best at each one and your legacy will follow."
Posted by Jen. at 1/20/2010 01:06:00 PM 0 comments
Love, Loss, and What I wore
I've come to realize that over times (especially over breakups) I find myself attached to clothes and the memories that are associated to them. This comes to me today of all days.
I can look at something in my closet and somehow remember the good (or bad) times that have happened to me in a particular outfit.
For example, I haven't worn the blue polo shirt that I wore the day of the split since then. But I can laugh about the time I wore my brown embroidered jacket with boots to the stock show last year in an attempt to not look so out of place (only to look somewhat like an idiot because the heels of my boots kept getting stuck in the mud (and not to mention I was freezing because that jacket wasn't nearly warm enough).
I still wear the purple sweater I wore on the Tyra Banks show often, not because of the show but because I actually feel pretty in it based on how dolled up I looked that one day in New York. My converse are the most comfortable I will ever feel. I can honestly say that I have had some good times, faced the harshest criticisms, and walked the longest roads in those shoes. Hell, those shoes have been constant and continuously with me through everything, even the day I said hello and the day after I said goodbye.
Clothes are supposed to be materialistic, artificial and soulless but when you think about it, the sentimental value of a memory associated with what you wear can make anything that much more meaningful. I look at my best friend's t-shirt and immediately think of his goofy smile and long lasting friendship. I can put on my denim skirt and laugh about how my friend Michael calls it "the skirt of no mercy." I can wear a certain perfume and remember that there was once a time where my goofy, loyal friend once teased me about not getting a meningitis shot.
Now, I guess I hold on to these sentimental memories, especially because I have new ones coming my way. Now I wear these certain bracelets that remind me of my friends right now. I wear my hoodie to sleep sometimes too, just to go back to that old familiar feeling of being comfortable and safe. I'm a new, strong and independent person this year. When it comes down to it, there's no such thing as a signature outfit. Just a signature feeling you get and the confidence you radiate from a good memory.
Posted by Jen. at 1/16/2010 08:49:00 PM 2 comments
Hah. Escape. That's one of my biggest themes and most overused ideas over the past year. All along, I've so desperate to find an escape. An escape from this town I live in, my personal issues, issues with Alex, my flaws, my deadlines, my duties, myself even..
I think that deep down we're all looking for options and somewhere to run. I know I have, even if it's just for a day. Even though I'll admit that I'm aware that the responsible thing to do is face your problems head-on, I'd love to just escape for a bit and not tell a soul where I'm going.
I'd go blonde, change my name to Agatha Markfeld, wear flip flops in the winter and live in a cabin in Chalktaw Peak, Montana. I'd drive a truck that smells like peppermint, old leather and tobacco and wear one of those puffer vests with a faux fur trim. I'd quote Motion City Soundtrack, wait tables at the only diner in town and dream of meeting Conan O'Brian. And just for the hell of it, I'd develop a southern accent. (just because I can!)

I don't regret any of it. Not one bit. Still I'd like to get a break.
You never know. look out Chalktaw Peak, Montana (if you exist). I might be there soon enough. Haha.
Posted by Jen. at 1/13/2010 11:34:00 AM 0 comments
Scratch That
I can tell you this much though, lots came up.
Buuttt! To help you out with the super horrible (I almost felt like it sounded like soap opera) spoilers.
Here's what I was talking about:
1) The new point I've reached in my life is happiness with being single (this after HOW LONG??)
2) Alex and I have made amends (well actually this happened after I last posted but what originally happened isn't really fair to him to discuss.
3) My friend Marie is engaged! Congrats Marie! (I know... we were all hoping I had officially announced my engagement to a Mister Kevin McHale. ;D)

4) Yeah, I cut my hair. The before and after are shown below:
Before: (it's a clickable thumbnail)

After: (Again, clickable thumbnail)

5) My major life milestone?
I have been accepted to Texas State University, my first school to send me a reply out of the twelve I applied to

So I guess that's all I left you hanging on. Sorry this isn't better. I had no idea how to tackle this entry and I figured that this would be a simple way to attack it.
As you may have read, I mentioned that Alex and I have made a truce. It's official. We have ended the silent feud. More on that later, though. I've got some things I'd like to share. Anyways, sorry about my chaotic entry the other day. I blame... ugh, never mind.
Posted by Jen. at 1/12/2010 01:35:00 PM 0 comments
I meant for this entry to be much... greater but, I'm rushed.... Craaappp!
Hey everybody!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and all that good stuff.
Sorry but this entry is kind of short. I've been writing "entries" down and i had a few good things to share but at the moment, I'm... STRESSED.
I've got a massive deadline for the newspaper and FOUR articles due by Thursday... and the yearbook staff is hogging the resources which frustrates me considering there's this... tart... who annoys the crap outta me and is annoying me even more because I have to wait for my turn at the word processors, simply because she simply MUST do her layout even though it's not due until next month whereas mine in due within the next few DAYS! Anyways, I just thought I'd clear the air and say that I'm here and I haven't crawled off the face of the earth. I'm just in a rushed predicament at the moment but I will tell you this much.
1) I've reached a new point in my life.
2) Something happened with Alex.
3) Someone's engaged.
4) I cut my hair.
5) A major life milestone occurred over Winter break.
Okay, so #4 isn't big compared to everything else but I'll explain everything later, I swear, but right now the tart left for lunch so i can work on my things now. It's okay, I don't have to eat. Grr....
Anyways, more later.
Oh, btw, the Dumpee Diaries Twitter isn't exactly updated. Since i can't mobile update with two accounts, the more accurate Twitter is my personal one. Sorry but I'll fix that soon.
Peace (unless you're in the Journalism office... then its chaos)
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Posted by Jen. at 1/05/2010 12:26:00 PM 0 comments