Scratch whatever I posted on my last blog.
Sorry but I guess I've lost my train of thought (not to mention I'm not so stressed anymore)I can tell you this much though, lots came up.
Buuttt! To help you out with the super horrible (I almost felt like it sounded like soap opera) spoilers.
Here's what I was talking about:
1) The new point I've reached in my life is happiness with being single (this after HOW LONG??)
2) Alex and I have made amends (well actually this happened after I last posted but what originally happened isn't really fair to him to discuss.
3) My friend Marie is engaged! Congrats Marie! (I know... we were all hoping I had officially announced my engagement to a Mister Kevin McHale. ;D)

4) Yeah, I cut my hair. The before and after are shown below:
Before: (it's a clickable thumbnail)

After: (Again, clickable thumbnail)

5) My major life milestone?
I have been accepted to Texas State University, my first school to send me a reply out of the twelve I applied to

So I guess that's all I left you hanging on. Sorry this isn't better. I had no idea how to tackle this entry and I figured that this would be a simple way to attack it.
As you may have read, I mentioned that Alex and I have made a truce. It's official. We have ended the silent feud. More on that later, though. I've got some things I'd like to share. Anyways, sorry about my chaotic entry the other day. I blame... ugh, never mind.
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