
I meant for this entry to be much... greater but, I'm rushed.... Craaappp!

Hey everybody!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and all that good stuff.
Sorry but this entry is kind of short. I've been writing "entries" down and i had a few good things to share but at the moment, I'm... STRESSED.

I've got a massive deadline for the newspaper and FOUR articles due by Thursday... and the yearbook staff is hogging the resources which frustrates me considering there's this... tart... who annoys the crap outta me and is annoying me even more because I have to wait for my turn at the word processors, simply because she simply MUST do her layout even though it's not due until next month whereas mine in due within the next few DAYS! Anyways, I just thought I'd clear the air and say that I'm here and I haven't crawled off the face of the earth. I'm just in a rushed predicament at the moment but I will tell you this much.

1) I've reached a new point in my life.
2) Something happened with Alex.
3) Someone's engaged.
4) I cut my hair.
5) A major life milestone occurred over Winter break.

Okay, so #4 isn't big compared to everything else but I'll explain everything later, I swear, but right now the tart left for lunch so i can work on my things now. It's okay, I don't have to eat. Grr....
Anyways, more later.

Oh, btw, the Dumpee Diaries Twitter isn't exactly updated. Since i can't mobile update with two accounts, the more accurate Twitter is my personal one. Sorry but I'll fix that soon.

Peace (unless you're in the Journalism office... then its chaos)


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