
"... come on in. I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in."

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Today, I had this very lengthy conversation with a friend of mine.
He's gay and currently happy with the love of his life.
My friend is also an ex-boyfriend of mine.
Today I found myself in another one of my brooding moods where I was mad at the world and just upset for an inexplicable reason. I found myself struggling a certain concept and I explained it to him.

I have all the potential in the world. I have these dreams, these ambitions and this potential to do so much. I've come a long way from what originally started in humble beginnings. Potential. Possibility. That's all that rings when I think about the Fall and the rest of my life. Yet, I find myself wanting something that I never really thought I would want because I never had it. The Dumpee Diaries, my story of trying to figure out life after being left by someone who was looking for something else didn't just start with Alex. The truth is that I basically grew up with that because of a man who left very early in life.
My parents divorced when I was very young. From what I can remember, at the ages of 4 and 5 they were already divorced. My mom raised me basically by herself. My dad, disappeared and never bothered to come back. I was raised by a woman who took the situation, a strong woman and not a single father figure. Since then, it's safe to say that every influential male in my life has left me. My dad, disappeared into parental oblivion, not even bothering with child support or even a letter. All my life, I've kicked myself, thinking that maybe he knew a sinking ship when he saw it and it's my fault he doesn't bother attempting to be a father. I grew up. I started earning titles, becoming my mother's pride and joy and being the child anyone would want. Still, no matter what trophy I earned or stellar report card I brought home, not one phone call or letter came for me.
I've struggled with this my entire life, knowing if my own father wouldn't stick around and see his first born grow up and become the adult her mother helped her be... then who's to say that any boyfriend or father figure would. Alex was the closest thing I ever had to someone who might have taken care of me and made me feel safe. I know it's stupid to look for it but I feel like I'm missing something and it scares me that I'm going to go my entire life with that void of acomplishing so much but still not being good enough to be taken care of. I know I'm foolish, stupid beyond belief to pin all this on a man I haven't even met and that I've got to make my own luck and overcome my obstacles and that it's stupid to pin this on Alex. I just...
My nights are hell because I know that no matter where I am, I know my own father isn't thinking of me and I know that more than likely someone else isn't either.

I told my friend this, and while he knew about my dad not being around, he didn't know what to say either. He struggled with it. He told me sometimes you just have to be open to happiness. I'm open to what life has to bring me. By day the concept works. By night, it's the mirror opposites that keep me up at night wondering what I did to feel so... empty.
 Truth is, I envy him. He has two parents. He had siblings and now he has the love of his life. While he can't be completely honest with himself because of his parents and the sometimes unfair prejudice that comes with homosexuality, he has more than I will ever have. I have potential. He has love from all sides. I don't blame my mom in any of this and I love her for all her strength and deep comittment to having me for a kid but... sometimes a girl needs her dad. Sometimes it's hard to lie to yourself and say you're complete when you don't know about half of where you came from. Sometimes, it just makes for one hell of a long night when you're awake, staring at the ceiling and praying to God that someone sends you a text or calls just to say they were thinking of you and wanted to make sure you're okay.
I'm still secretly praying for that phone call from my dad someday. As a matter of fact, my dad went looking for my mom a few weeks ago at our old house where my aunt lives. He wanted to settle the child support issue. He didn't ask to speak to me once. He handled the affair with legal jargon, lawyers and numbers. He left his number with my aunt to give to my mom. When she asked me to put the paperwork away in her purse, I put his number in my cell phone address book in the event that he ever calls, I'll know it's him. I'm still waiting.
What's sad is that I know I'll be waiting for that call for the rest of my life, just like I know that I'll be up many more nights hoping someone sends me a text that they're thinking of me and they'll take care of me like no one else ever did. At least I can live and hold a smile during the day, not having to face the long nights ahead.