To what do I owe everything twisted in my life?
If I only had a nickle for every time I have said this...
Just when you think life might get back to normal, something crazy happens that throws everything you've ever thought out the window.
In this case, something so unusual happpened, I thought it was a glitch.
Alex texted me.
It's been a good while since he and I have had a good conversation where neither of us was throwing expletives at each other, and he NEVER texts me if he can avoid it. I'm on Spring Break and I've been busy with work and friends and life that I haven't seen a need to text him or even talk to him. Sure enough to my surprise he texted me and *gasp* it turns out the twist wasn't in my life but his.
His girlfriend has some bad habits... something that shocked him (and out of a certain respect, I'm not going to post what the issue is because I know some people in our circle read this) Yet, he came to me to actually ask advice as a civilized human being. And I gave him my advice, he can take it as he will and I wish him the best, honestly.
Then maybe ten minutes later he went back to attempting jabs at me which doesn't surprise me. I'm just shocked that he's acting so civilized and for a long period of time (long by his standards) he was human towards me. Who knows what else is coming but my statement still stands.
"Just when you think life's about to get back to normal, something crazy happens."You can quote me on that one.
I just got another text so... we'll see where this goes and if he can (not to be rude or anything) actually grow up.
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