
Day 62

Last night was the beginning of some meteorological irony. Just as I was about to go to sleep (or try to at least) it started to rain. Hard. Pouring, thundering, never-going-to-get-you-to-sleep rain. I basically stayed in bed, not able to sleep, thus resulting me to think. And of recent times, every time I'm left alone to think, I think of how I've been left alone. It's pretty bad but right now I'm in no mood to be fully cheery in the "Mary Poppins" way. I can't get myself through that. I've got bigger tasks at hand, like my auditions for drum major. By the looks of it, here's the breakdown (and sorry if I confuse any non-band readers }:)

1 I 've got to play my 12 major scales (by memory) on the sax.
2 I have to create my own custom drill with 12 people in it.
3 I have to create my on fancy shmancy drum major drill.
4 I have to conduct in 4/4, 3/4 , 2/4 and to a song I've never heard before.

It's been a bunch of tedious work but i'm not out of the woods yet. I'll be there soon enough. I just hope things go well.
In the mean time, for the record could everyone around me today PLEASE not bring up Alex today? It's pissing the hell out of me!!!