
Day 38

Well, I discovered 2 things in the last week.

1) Alex doesn't give a damn if I graduate and it's not his problem if I don't pass my Math final.
2) Alex's brother no longer respects him as a human being and refuses to acknowledge him.

The first I learned when I got incredibly desperate and panicked about my Math final. So desperate, in fact, I asked him for help. He was the only person who ever explained math to me well, and Math's always been my weakness. He litterally told me that in his own words. I'm more pissed and angry than anything, not so much hurt anymore. I mean, I'd help him if he asked for anything. I'm not an ass like him. I ended up taking my test and even though it was a major headache (quite litterally) I'm positive I did my best. My fate however depends on the Education Gods.

The second I found out during lunch. A friend of mine who has class with Alex's brother told me the whole story. I have now discovered the reason for our spilt. All I can say is... THANK GOD. Who knows who I may have become or how trapped I would've been if I stayed with him.

Now to me personally... I've just been hit with the reality of how hard I've fallen for Andrew, the guy I met through band. I called him this morning... and just hearing him groggy yet happy to hear my voice brightened the rest of my day. We're not going out... wrong timing. But it's nice to know I can smile again.

Unitl later readers...
(Oh, btw. I fixed the comment posting. Anyone can comment now. Sorry if it took so long!!)